Wednesday, May 14, 2008


what must be present to make a perfect authentic cadence?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

7th chords

When hearing 7th chords what is the difference between the half diminished and the fully diminished 7th chords

7th chords

When hearing 7th chords what is the difference between a dominant 7th and a major 7th

Monday, May 12, 2008


is there any way to get a PAC without using a I chord ?

Saturday, May 10, 2008


I still can not figure out how to reconize intervals whats a good study method besides just playing them myself and/or having some one else play them for me?

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Eb instruments still

I'm sorry yall. I'm still so confused. When
I'm in concert pitch, do I transpose Eb
instruments up or down a Perfect 5th?


Here's my dumb question: Okay I missed the day suspensions were introduced and I've been a bit confused ever since, which notes are you looking at to find the interval for the suspension? Are you looking at the other note in the bass cleff (the presumed tenor) or soprano/'alto' note?

(I usually just found whatever one worked and went with it but it'd be nice to know if there's a rule about that I've been retarded about.)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

singing ascending minor intervals

Any ideas on singing minor intervals

Eb instruments how do I know which octave
I'm suppose to transpose to when
I'm in concert pitch?


What would get if your concert pitch is an Eb, and you have to transpose to a tenor sax?


What is the best way to transpose the key signatures to concert pitch? And vice versa?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Minor intervals

Does anybody have any ideas for hearing minor sixes and sevens?


Let's try this again...What is the best way to
remember the interval of transposition?
Or is there even an easy way???


PAC progressions

would it be incorrect to, instead of doing a I-V-I progression as the cadence, to do a I-IV-V-I as a PAC or can a PAC only be approached by a I chord?


Monday, May 5, 2008

Harmonic Rhythm

What is the defintion of harmonic rhythm and how many chords are there typically per measure?

Friday, May 2, 2008

Half Cadences!!!

How do half cadences typically end?
What do half cadences function like?

Resolution of Tendency Tones

What is the proper way to resolve scale degree 4 and 7? which chords have both of these pitches?

Perfect vs imperfect Authentic Cadences

What is the difference between perfect authentic and imperfect authentic cadences?

Authentic Cadence

What 2 chords are needed for an authentic cadence?